
Current Courier Conditions

Ah art - so subjective, so particular, so special.

And there's arguably no art piece more recognized worldwide than the Mona Lisa.

Yes, the half-smiling subject of hundreds of thousands of replications is one of the most treasured pieces in the world. Through preservation, thievery and urban legend, it is by far the most storied artwork in history.

So here comes the big question, as was once asked to us - would we ship the Mona Lisa?

It's an interesting hypothetical, given that the painting is housed at The Louvre in France and the chances of it coming to Winnipeg... well, let's say there's more likelihood of there being a World Series parade on Portage Avenue.

But this is a hypothetical, so let's say that instead of The Queen's massive portrait being re-hung in Winnipeg, we're putting up The Mona Lisa at the MTS Centre.

Well for one, we'd call on our sister company, Crossdock Manitoba, to help out with this major pick-up from The Louvre. There are some definite logistics at work here, including which materials to use (somehow, newspaper doesn't seem appropriate). We've also heard stories about the Grey Cup and Stanley Cup getting plane tickets rather being stowed in storage on a flight; wethinks the same would apply here.

So once the Mona Lisa arrives in Winnipeg, there would likely be a cause celebre around its arrival, which would mean that we'd have to be at our best, just like we are any time we pick up and deliver a package in Winnipeg.

Finally, once it arrives at the MTS Centre, we would deliver it very carefully to its new temporary owner. Perhaps Mark Chipman takes it off our hands or Dustin Byfuglien is the point person (pardon the pun).

Until that day comes though, know your package is as safe as the Mona Lisa in our hands. Call Sierra Courier today at 204-632-8920 or use our eTrac system to make a request online.

Longtime fans of The Simpsons will remember the episode with Bart's onetime pet elephant, Stampy.

Stampy, of course, was a gag radio prize that Bart took a bit too seriously, and sure enough an elephant was delivered to his door. Hilarity ensued.

Now you can also pretty much imagine that in this cartoon world of Springfield, there were quite a few odd looks around their courier office when the request came in for such a delivery.

Well, the same thing happened to us.

Yep, we got a request to courier an elephant.

Now we're not sure what packing material we would use in this case. Foam peanuts may be too realistic for our pachyderm package, and a wooden crate... well, would you want to remove a sliver from an elephant ear?

If anyone out there has suggestions for how to package an elephant let us know; we'll be contacting Hammurabi in the interim.

From time to time, Sierra Courier has some truly unique delivery requests. While they often make for interesting conversation in our office, we like to think that there are also opportunities to share them with you, our loyal customers.

When a call to Sierra Courier begins with "this is going to be funny,” you know you're in for a different sort of request.

Such was the case when the one of our clients in the Animal Sciences industry called our offices, asking... ahem... if we can ship bull XXit.

Now, normally when someone talks about transporting ... "XXit", they're normally talking about an argument where "XXit" hits the fan; but no, this was a legitimate of sending the XXit packing.

So off we went to get an answer from an international courier. We were "knee deep" in our research when we found the answer that, indeed, XXit can really fly!

As it turns out, you need to fill out some paperwork (with 24 hours prior notice) in order to send bullXXit. Why? Plant derivatives that are found in it.

Yep. We went there.

Now we did choose to leave some of the finer points to customs, we were certainly pleased to provide this service to our client.

So when we say we can ship just about everything imaginable, we're not bullXXing.

To learn more about our bio-hazardous specialty services, click here.

The fall season is upon us, and for the population of Winnipeg this means one thing: snow is coming.

Okay, really make that two things: One, snow is coming; and two: the Winnipeg Jets 2013-14 season is just about ready to begin.

For season ticket holders, this means that ticket pools will soon be finishing up and game assignments will start. With it, however, comes some complication in the form of the pass cards for seats, a program which is being retained from the 2012-13 experiment.

For those who are new season ticket holders, or if you're getting into a group for the first time, this means that your usual paper tickets are a thing of the past, restricting you primarily to using the plastic cards to gain entry to the MTS Centre. There are alternatives, but let's face it - printed pieces of paper, even as valuable as Jets tickets, can get lost or damaged in pockets.

So instead of fretting over where you put those print-outs, pass your passes around with Sierra Courier. We offer great same-day courier services in Winnipeg, with options available to get your passes where they need to go in as little as a half hour.

Enjoy the upcoming NHL season. Go Jets Go!

From time to time, Sierra Courier has some truly unique delivery requests. While they often make for interesting conversation in our office, we like to think that there are also opportunities to share them with you, our loyal customers.

There are many, many items that Sierra Courier can deliver throughout Winnipeg and across Manitoba, but some things that aren't in our wheelhouse. Take for example cold storage delivery, which is more often employed with refrigeration trucks - service that best managed by connections that you can arrange with our associates at Crossdock Manitoba.

This past January, we did get a call asking about such services and had to defer; but our customer rep did so with a suggestion.

Given the inclimate (or in this case very climate) weather of the time, our CSR offered that the package could be kept in the back of an open half ton truck. The client enjoyed our humour, but declined our new 'open door' offering.

This was certainly a more unique request, and even though we had to decline the service, we're sure we left a memory with our client.

Be sure to check back to our blog on a regular basis for more Memorable Moments from Sierra Courier.