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One of the greatest features of summer, inarguably, is Winnipeg's Fringe Theatre Festival.

Attracting performers from across the world, the Fringe offers up a little something for everyone, from sketch comedy to improvised drama.

Fringe performers, however, don't just stop in one location and call it a summer (more often than not) - instead, they'll tour like an old school set of troubadors, going from town to town, festival to festival, entertaining the masses along the way.

Of course, some Fringe plays aren't simply two chairs and a crude backdrop, rolled and stored in a poster tube - often they are quite elaborate setups, possibly at the level of a professional company play (mainly because they are professional companies). Thus, moving about the country isn't as easy as one may think.

As such, Fringers will depend not only on the kindness of strangers who will guide them to the best rest stops and food hits as they roam unfamiliar territory, but couriers do help along the way, shipping large sets on their behalf.

So whether you're shipping a stage or simply a parcel, know you can depend on the courier experts here at Sierra with all of your valuable.

To learn more, call us today at 866-575-ASAP.

As the summer days continue on, we start to pre-reminisce about our time at the beach.

Even before the end of the day, you're already thinking back to the funny moment that ruled the day - possibly when a kid said an unexpected bad word (in a hilariously inappropriate time) or the rock that Uncle Bob managed to skip 7 times across the lake.

Ultimately we want these memories to stay with us. There's no question - the sentiment of 'the beach' is one we all treasure (and why one Cosmo Kramer thought it would make the perfect scent for Calvin Klein).

Now the last thing we at Sierra Courier would ever recommend would be to actually bring home a piece of the beach, be it snagging a few rocks or seashells or even bottling up water from Lake Winnipeg. We often will warn our kids not to do this in some manner - for example, don't pick a flower, let it stay where it is so everyone can enjoy it - but as adults we will from time to time grab a small, seemingly inoffensive piece.

This is the one case though, where you really shouldn't. Take photos and videos, maybe buy a souvenir, but let that be your remnant from the summer of 2014.

And if you need a quick reminder of the aforementioned Seinfeld episode, you can check out highlights below, including commentary from Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David.

From your friends at Sierra Courier, enjoy the summer!

Summer has all but officially started in Winnipeg, which means your company may soon, if it hasn't already, hired on a couple extra sets of hands.

Summer interns or temp staff are great sources of relief while your staff members are on their one, two or three week vacations. Doing everything from taking stock to cleanup and fall prep are the sorts of jobs that these individuals fill in while major duties are shifted around your office.

Generally speaking, summer workers are conscientious and are great support, but they may also be tenuous when it comes to outsiders coming into your office. Think about it - your first week on the job and you have couriers coming in who you have never seen - may be a little intimidating and, even more so, you may be tenuous letting someone into the offices who you don't know.

For this reason, you might want to consider Sierra Courier's Dedicated Driver service. By ordering this service, you will have the same courier coming to your office, putting your temp staff at east and also giving you the familiarity of having an individual who knows your employees and may deal with them directly.

To learn more about Dedicated Driver and other specialty services, contact Sierra today at 204-632-8920.

Happy cottaging Manitoba!

At long last, summer is here. The kids are done at school and soon you'll be headed north, south, east or west (or somewhere in between) to your summer getaway spot.

The open air awaits you as you settle in with a refreshing drink, a good book (or your iPad) and a lawnchair buried in the sand.

It's heavenly... at least until you realize you forgot something at home!

No need to fret and pack the van back up and bullet back to Winnipeg. Sierra can help!

Hitting the highways is part of our job. Our Direct Driver Service takes our couriers across Winnipeg, Manitoba and North America at a moment's notice. Whether it's an important contract you need to review from the cottage or a laptop that can't be left at the office, we'll deliver your forgotten priorities right to your cottage door.

So take the worry out of your long weekend. This is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Keep your concerns at bay with Sierra Courier.

To learn more about our Direct Driver Services, contact us today.

Tonight starts the most intense two week period in all of sport - the commencement of the NHL Finals, aka the championship series for the Stanley Cup.

Since its earliest days, the silver bowl that Lord Stanley of Preston purchased in 1892 has been on an incredible journey that has seen it endure a few bumps and bruises as it was delivered from one team to another (or even within the same club).

With today marking the start of the New York Rangers and Los Angeles Kings' pursuit of the ultimate symbol of hockey glory, we put our historians to work and now present to you some of the unfortunate incidents that involve the travels (or should that be travails) of the Stanley Cup.