
Current Courier Conditions

Winnipeg - summer's here!

One of the premier activities amidst our summer months, of course, is not on four or even eight wheels - it's on two.

Yes, biking has taken over Winnipeg. Go through any park or drive down most streets in our city and you're bound to see people getting a blast of fresh air as they get fit while travelling. Biking has so many health benefits, including for our environment.

Sierra's team has seen the benefits of biking and when the season and time allows, we give couriers the opportunity to step out of their vehicles and cycle your parcel over.

We also offer this service to our clients. While we won't provide you with a bike to pick up your parcel, we will, by request, send our couriers out on bikes (where the package carriage allows it - we won't ask our delivery team to strap a piano to their back while navigating on two wheels!).

So if you're looking for the environmentally-friendly option for your next Winnipeg delivery - call Sierra Courier today and request a cyclist for your next courier need.

The month of May is, quite possibly, the most important for North American sports. Look at the facts:

- The NHL and NBA playoffs are moving quickly.

- MLB's season is now in full swing (pardon the pun).

- The NFL and CFL hold their annual drafts.

On top of that, check out the local sports scene. This month has already seen public golf courses open up and just yesterday, women's soccer dominated headlines as a friendly was staged between Canada and the U.S.

With all of these athletic exhibitions taking place, hardware comes to the forefront of mind. Trophies are the ultimate symbol of sporting excellence as it has been for decades upon decades.

And throughout their history, there have been mishaps in transporting these sacred treasures, and there may be no better example than the Stanley Cup.

Hockey's ultimate prize, of course, goes on one long road trip after being awarded to the winner of the NHL playoffs. Each player (and most management) get their turn with the Cup for a day, often with the Keeper of the Cup, Phil Pritchard, in tow; but there have been a few instances of the Cup missing its appointed rounds.

For example, in 2006, after the Carolina Hurricanes won Lord Stanley's Mug, Andrew Hutchinson's day with the Cup was to include his son being baptised in the famed trophy. It never happened as the Cup arrived late to the ceremony.

Another shining example took place in 1924. The Montreal Canadiens were set to celebrate their victory in style at owner Leo Dandurand's house. One problem - en route to the fete, one of the cars transporting players - and the Stanley Cup - got a flat. In the rush to fix the tire, the players left Lord Stanley's Mug on the side of the road.

Now far be it from us to be presumptuous, but when the Winnipeg Jets do win the Stanley Cup, we want to offer our courier service. Our expert couriers will ensure that sport's most coveted prize will reach each and every destination safely, securely and in one piece; unlike several other instances in the Cup's history.

Happy Administrative Professionals Week!

This is the time of year to recognize the hard work of your executive assistants and reward them for the service they provide, often with intense labour and little to no notice.

We can help though...

That's right - let Sierra Courier shock your ExA's when our delivery staff has a package with their name on it.

Book your service today - with as little as a couple hours turnaround - through our eTrac system, or request a quote online or by calling 204-632-8920.

As much as Winnipeggers complain about the weather, the last few days have justified our impulse to kvetch.

After seemingly being out of the woods Wednesday with temperatures hitting a beautiful high of 15 degrees (Celsius, not Fahrenheit like we had just last month), the lovely weather bubble burst in a big way, sprinkling us first with rain, then with snow.

The result of all of this moisture? The muck of snow slush mixed with sand and mud that we thought we were at least going to get temporary relief from is back, and that means your shoes and pants are once again liable to be victimized.

Yes, spring weather has its ups and downs and we'll tolerate the moist conditions in the name of actually being able to get outside and take a walk, barbeque or even get that first outdoor project taken care of; but there's nothing worse than trying to hop, skip or jump around mud and water in business attire. Sure, co-workers and clients understand that it comes with the territory, but there's nothing that can upset ourselves more than mis-stepping into what we thought was solid ground (but end up sinking quicker than a stone!

Save your clothes - let us do the delivery for you!

Sierra Courier has been helping Winnipeg businesses stay dry since 1976. Bravely taking on the dirty roads and soaked sidewalks, our delivery men and women brave all the elements for Winnipeggers, ensuring that our clients stay dry and clean.

If you're ready to put us to work, call us today at 204-632-8920 or fill out our pricing request form.

As a responsible courier in Winnipeg, Sierra Courier always wants to keep our customers aware of any delays or closures that affect our services.

As such, we wanted to alert our clients that we will be closed Good Friday (April 18). We will not be offering any pick-up or delivery that day.

If you have a package that needs to be delivered during the Easter weekend, we highly encourage you to book now for pick-up on Thursday, April 17.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us online or call us at (204) 632-8920.