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They walk with pride, they attract attention wherever they go and because they are so tall, they are difficult to move around.

No, we're not talking about lifesize robots (though we could be since it's getting close to the holiday season); we're talking about the large mammals that inhabit zoos and strike wonder into the hearts of all who gaze upon them - giraffes.

Now we're not going to make light of their height, which can reach 20 ft., especially since, hypothetically we could get a request to ship one of the much-larger-than-life animals.

Now packaging the giraffe would have to be done very carefully. While their necks are sturdy and risk of injury isn't a factor, there are logistics that come into play, such as having an animal of that magnitude; but transport, even by ground, is possible.

Witness this example from our friends on the other side of the equator:

So the next time you need something large shipped, remember - size doesn't matter - Sierra can courier it!