
Current Courier Conditions

One of the greatest features of summer, inarguably, is Winnipeg's Fringe Theatre Festival.

Attracting performers from across the world, the Fringe offers up a little something for everyone, from sketch comedy to improvised drama.

Fringe performers, however, don't just stop in one location and call it a summer (more often than not) - instead, they'll tour like an old school set of troubadors, going from town to town, festival to festival, entertaining the masses along the way.

Of course, some Fringe plays aren't simply two chairs and a crude backdrop, rolled and stored in a poster tube - often they are quite elaborate setups, possibly at the level of a professional company play (mainly because they are professional companies). Thus, moving about the country isn't as easy as one may think.

As such, Fringers will depend not only on the kindness of strangers who will guide them to the best rest stops and food hits as they roam unfamiliar territory, but couriers do help along the way, shipping large sets on their behalf.

So whether you're shipping a stage or simply a parcel, know you can depend on the courier experts here at Sierra with all of your valuable.

To learn more, call us today at 866-575-ASAP.